Invest 4 days in your own professional formation
at the 2024 WISE Conference which will be held from
July 16-July 19, 2024 at Aquinas College.
Sponsored by the Center for Catholic Education at Aquinas, the WISE Conference will provide an opportunity for those involved in Catholic schools to deepen their understanding of the unique nature and mission of the Catholic school.
What educators learn and experience through WISE helps them to assess the depth and expressions of Catholic Identity in their own school communities and to understand how their mission as educators impacts the total school community and serves the mission of the universal Church.
Why is the conference called “WISE” ?
WISE stands for Witness, Inspire, Serve and Educate, necessary attributes for a Catholic school educator!
Who Attends WISE?
Catholic school superintendents, principals, vice principals, pastors, teachers, board members, parents, and staff! Teams of three from each participating school are very effective, but a school may send as few as one delegate. The program is limited to 30 participants.
What does the registration fee cover?
The registration fee WISE is $900 per person. Persons who register may stay without additional charge at Siena Hall (see below) where most of the conference events take place. Meals during the conference are included in the fee as well. Because the Diocese of Nashville partners with the Aquinas College School of Education, conference attendees from schools in the Nashville Diocese have a reduced fee of $750.
Do you get professional credit for attending WISE?
Clock hours are awarded for professional development, which can be applied to recertification.
What is the benefit of attending the WISE Conference?
One of the main benefits is being part of a community of educators who are committed to the same mission, even though they are serving in a variety of schools throughout the country.