Mission Statement
Aquinas College is a Catholic institution of higher education in the Dominican Tradition. The College directs all its efforts to the intellectual, moral, spiritual, and professional formation of the human person in wisdom. Students are formed individually and in Christian community so that the harmonious integration between faith and reason can permeate every dimension of their lives. Immersed in exploring the relationship between human civilization and the message of salvation, the College community embraces the Dominican imperative to preach the Gospel, serve others, and engage culture in truth and charity.
To be a leader in the formation of educators who are sent forth to teach, preach, and witness to
Truth and Charity for the salvation of souls and the transformation of culture.
At Aquinas College, we have the unique privilege of providing the intellectual and professional formation of the young sisters of the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia. By providing an education in the liberal arts that encourages a deep formation in the teaching charism of the Nashville Dominicans, Aquinas College fulfills its primary goal, to prepare these sisters to bring Christ into the schools in which they will serve.

This program of studies extends yet further, in the invitation to lay students to also take part in the same formation being provided to the young sisters of the Nashville Dominicans. In this, we allow the beautiful and rich overflow of our educational program to be given to others who share in our vision, providing a means for lay students to receive the same high quality intellectual and professional formation that the sisters are privileged to receive. Through this formation in the Dominican tradition, Aquinas College prepares its students to be teachers and leaders in schools and communities.
In addition to providing a strong formation for future teachers, Aquinas College also provides support for the ongoing formation of both novice and veteran teachers and catechists. Through the Center for Catholic Education, Aquinas College provides formation opportunities for all those engaged in the apostolate of education, whether it be through schools or parish life.
Core Principles
Our core principles are derived from the Catholic and Dominican moral and intellectual tradition.
- The dignity, freedom, and flourishing of every human person as made in God’s image
- The complementarity of faith and reason as the basis for academic community
- The prudent stewardship of God’s individual and communal gifts
Aquinas College Goals
- Provide academic programs in education and in the liberal arts that foster the intellectual and moral virtues, professional excellence, and integration of faith and life.
- Provide services and support that facilitate academic progress, inquiry, and achievement.
- Cultivate a student experience directed toward the formation of the whole person in virtue, wisdom, maturity, and Christian friendship through social, spiritual, and academic activities.
- Provide opportunities to engage with the local and broader communities, especially in endeavors related to cultural and intellectual interests, continuing education, catechetics, and faith formation.
- Steward the gifts and resources entrusted to the College to advance its mission.